Shadow Girl

Niña Sombra

  • Running time: 75 min
  • Genre: Experimental Documentary
  • Year: 2016
  • Director/Writer: María Teresa Larraín
  • Executive Producers: Ed Barreveld, María Teresa Larraín
  • Producers: Ed Barreveld, Lisa Valencia, Maria Teresa Larrain
  • Chilean-Canadian-Coproduction
  • Production Companies: Maremoto Productions (Chile), Storyline Entertainment (Canada)

Description: Autoethnographic film that follows the director’s journey into blindness and her encounter with a group of blind street vendors in Chile who help her step into her new identity.

Awards: “The Documentary of the Month Award” at Docs Barcelona (Spain); “Special Jury Award” at FFD (Festival Film Dokumenter Yogyakarta); Award of Excellence: Disability Issues» at the IndieFEST Film Awards; “Best Documentary of 2016” at the Circle of Chilean Critics; “Best National Film”, “The Audience Award” and “The Documentary of the Month Award” at Docs Barcelona Valparaiso; “Best National Film”, “Best Director” and “Best Sound Award” at DIVA, Valparaiso; “The Audience Award” at Fidocs (Festival Internacional de Documentales de Santiago); “Best National Film” at Fedochi (Festival Internacional de Documentales de Chiloé).