- Year: 2007
- Running time: 65 min
- Genre: Documentary
- Writer/Director: Maria Teresa Larrain
- Producers: Maria Teresa Larrain and Sarah Zammit
- Production Company: Maremoto Productions (Chile)
- Funding sources: The Sundance Documentary Fund, The Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and the Canadian Council of Churches.
Description: In the middle of the night the home of a powerful Chilean landowner catches fire. He blames his neighbour, a respected Mapuche Chief and without listening to his protestations of innocence, the landowner sends him to prison. Thus starts the trial of Pascual Pichun, one of the most controversial trials in Chilean history.
Festivals & Awards:
“Honourable Mention” at EDOCS International Film Festival Ecuador
“Honourable Mention” at IV Human Rights International Film Festival Argentina